About the project

Sherlook is a Romania-based company that helps its customers find and choose the best insurance, electricity tariff, internet and mobile services according to their specific needs and budget.

Project scope

  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • UI/UX
  • Web design



About the project

From Challenge
To Solution

UI/UX design has presented our team with some challenges. But for every obstacle, there is a solution. We just had to identify them as early as possible in the process. Our main task was to simplify the users’ journey, that is, to make sure that once the users landed on the website, they could easily find the most suitable insurance, cell phone plan, electricity tariff, or broadband offer. Our idea was to make each process (flow) as straightforward as possible.

Information architecture

7 services
7 flows

To find the best deals for each service, the user must provide a large amount of information. Therefore, it was important to simplify the user experience and make all seven processes (flows) similar, so that after finding the best travel insurance, the customer already knows how the website works and can easily find and choose offers for other services.


Final design

Finding the best offer


It was important for us to make the users’ journey easy and not scare them away with long, endless forms. Therefore, we broke the process down into smaller steps to make it more user-friendly. Thereby, the user can always see the previous and pending steps on the left side of the screen, with a brief summary of the information entered. What is more, the customer can quickly check if they have forgotten anything and go back if necessary.

Finding the best offer



UI guidelines

Inverted primary

Blue Pantone


UA Blue


Royal Blue Light


Cadmium Green




Raisin Black


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