About the project

Xtro is a fintech company that offers cryptocurrency payment processing services and allows users to accept, trade, and manage Bitcoin and other cryptos. Our task was to develop UI and UX design solutions that would match the client’s objectives and enhance the flexibility of how users manage funds on the Xtro app.

Project scope

  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • UI/UX
  • Web design



& Solution

Xtro needed a creative response to the cryptocurrency services and a brand image that would go in line with the flexible and modern solutions they propose. Thus, we focused on communicating what Xtro truly is – their expertise and the services they offer while making the user experience as frustration-free as possible.



In the early steps of UI and UX design, we started to create the possible layout and contents of the app, including interface elements and navigational systems. We built the information architecture to introduce easy navigation and clean category distribution that would create more trust among customers and strengthen the brand image. The site architecture focuses on user goals: learn more about cryptocurrency processing services and their benefits.


As a regulated financial service provider, Xtro accepts responsibility for maintaining the security and safety of its customer's accounts. To achieve this, it has implemented know-your-customer (KYC) to verify the customer's identity. This procedure enables greater transparency and up-to-date customer data. It also lowers the risk of fraud, cuts customer onboarding time, and enhances customer experience.

04 UI/UX design

As a regulated financial service provider, Xtro accepts responsibility for maintaining the security and safety of its customer's accounts. To achieve this, it has implemented know-your-customer (KYC) to verify the customer's identity. This procedure enables greater transparency and up-to-date customer data. It also lowers the risk of fraud, cuts customer onboarding time, and enhances customer experience.

Send & Request

App users can access their digital wallets anytime, anywhere. The fast and secure app lets users send and request cryptocurrencies 24/7 at their preferred confirmation speed and the network fee.

Easy exchange

Users can exchange crypto at low fees and trade the market that never sleeps. To create a user-friendly design for these screens, we investigated crypto exchange processes with users. With their feedback in mind, we worked on creating convenient access to all the necessary information.


The wallet enables users to store their private keys that keep their crypto safe and accessible. At this stage, our task was to place the total balance, details about each coin, and transaction history in a way that would not confuse users.


In the Xtro app, users can manage their subscriptions, monitor their spending from the dashboard, add alerts and notifications or cancel unwanted subscriptions.


The Xtro app icon represents the brand image and function of the app. In addition, the single-letter logo design is easy to identify, appears outstanding on a user’s device screen, and drives installs.

Typography & Colors

We chose a design approach that would help us filter down the style that best fits the fintech company and its modern and flexible tone. That was the main guide for us in defining colors, typography, and creating the logo.

Physical &
Virtual cards

Despite their stylish modern looks, the virtual cards allow users to make speedy, secure, and contactless payments with Google or Apple Pay, thus making daily shopping a breeze. The same procedure applies to physical card holders. In both cases, extra verification is required before payments to stay in control of the card’s security.

Landing page
& web app

Much like the mobile app, the Xtro website version adds a modern and sophisticated touch to cryptocurrency payment processing services while making the process hassle-free. The website also serves as a practical alternative providing users the flexibility to manage their funds via different devices.

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